A DAy iN thE LifE Of thE McMAhOn FAmilY

Friday, November 12, 2010

My hUSbANd

My husband is an amazing man.

I love that he is passionate about the outdoors (or "the woods" as we call it in our house)...

I love that he made me a part of this beautiful family...

and even though he made me look like this- TWICE...

I love that he gave me this...

and this...

He is my manly man, my best friend, my solid rock, amazing father to my children, our provider, my shoulder to lean on...

and my lover.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I love my husband.

*Professional photographs by Jodi Mockabee Photography*
(excluding deer-head and prego picture....I'm sure you can tell the difference!)


  1. Great photos and I love that first one! I had seen it on Jodi's site before but I didn't know it was him!

    We are still loving our clips too!

  2. He is awesome. Love this post! Love you guys.

  3. Aw, this is beautiful sister!! He has it pretty good too, you know. You are the best wife I know!
